Who we are

The best of life is a blog that is enthusiastic about everything related to the evolution of the human being in
human being in relation to life.

We were born out of a desire to evolve on a personal level and discovered a real passion for
for sharing our steps on this evolutionary path

All the content here expresses our own opinion and we have a rigorous process when choosing
products, evaluating their origin and integrity.

For a long time, I had felt called to this quest for self-knowledge, and the more I
evolved, the more I understood that it would be possible to help people.

We are beings of light living a carnal experience and this experience is unique in terms of our search for
an evolution of the BEING

This BEING often feels lost and alone because it unconsciously knows that
his true nature is light but he is not aware of his role on earth

That’s why so many people are sick, sad and depressed.

Everything starts to flow and get better from the moment you discover there is something wrong and
possibly linked to beliefs he has been living in the carnal world.

It’s a process like climbing a ladder, with each step you take in the evolution of self-knowledge.
of self-knowledge brings you the feeling that now everything has begun to make sense and you begin to realize that you are
sense and you start to realize that you’re on the right path

You no longer feel lost.

So it was with us and so it will be with you

Welcome to a new life at The best of life

A fraternal embrace